Misfueled? We solve the problem on site, anytime, as cost effectively as possible - Germany-wide.

Suddenly you noticed a strong smell of burnt oil, the engine started rattling or failed completely and you began to realize that you used the wrong fuel for your car? The costs for misfueling can range from the low hundreds to the total economic loss of your vehicle. No matter whether you have filled gasoline into a diesel tank or vice versa, whether the engine has been started afterwards or even failed already, we know the best course of action to save what can be saved, so that the bill remains as low as possible in the end. Regardless of whether the engine has already been started or not, the most important thing to do now is clear: Leave the engine off, give us a call and do not start the ignition until the problem has been solved by a professional. Even opening the car door is enough to activate the fuel pump in modern vehicles.

Leave the rest to us. After more than 20 years of experience in the roadside assistance industry, we know exactly what to do for each type of misfueling and with our Germany-wide network of company partners, we can be reached anywhere. Best case scenario? We send out a specially equipped vehicle directly to your location to make sure that the wrong fuel is flushed out properly and you´ll be back on your way within one or two hours after the call. That way you will be left with the lowest possible bill for misfueling. If your car has already taken too much damage to continue driving, we will tow your car to the workshop at a reasonable price to assess the damage and determine, which parts need to be replaced

Regardless of the circumstances however, our main goal remains the same: We will try to our best to bring you the solution as soon, and as cost effectively as possible.



FAQ about misfueling:


I put the wrong fuel in my car. What now?

Be sure to leave the engine off and call us to properly flush out the wrong fuel. If you have already fired up the ignition, components of the injection / exhaust system or even the engine itself could be damaged and we might need to tow the car to the workshop to assess the exact damage. The type of misfueling will affect your chances.


Fueled with diesel instead of petrol?

Turn off the engine and have the fuel pumped out, otherwise you risk unpredictable damages that might even leave you with four-figure repair bill. The good news is that after the fuel has been pumped out by a special vehicle on site, you can often continue driving without worry.


Fueled with petrol instead of diesel?

Be sure to leave the engine off and call us, even opening the car door activates the fuel pump. If the engine was not started after refueling, it is often enough for us to just pump out the tank on the spot. Otherwise, we have to tow the car to the workshop to determine the extent of the damage. Unfortunately in this case, high repair costs in the thousands are not uncommon.


Misfueling - costs

If the engine was not started after misfueling, it is often enough to just pump out the fuel on the spot which will rarely cost more than 200€, otherwise there is a chance that your car will have to be repaired at a workshop. Although gasoline engines may also suffer damages after the ignition of the wrong fuel, the components of a diesel injection system are especially at risk in this type of situation and might even require a complete replacement, which could easily cause repair costs in the thousands.